Sunday, October 12, 2008

Today I Cook '' FU CHUK KAI CHOON TONG SUI''..Yummy...tast so smooth..

and good! love it. I used organic rock cane sugar to cook this sweet Chinese desert which my mom used to cook for all her children during those days...


1) Fu Chuk ( soya bean milk)-2-3 small packt

2) Pak kor ( in hakka or cantonese/ dialect)-40

3) eggs-3

4) Rock Sugar- 1 packet

5) barli ( yee mee)

Cook the barli in a pot , add full water..boil for 35 min

take out the barli from the water ..we just want the barli water..( dont want the barli)

add fu chuk in , rock sugar and pak kor cook for 12 min in the barli water

Finally - just beat the eggs in a bowl to fine, then pour slowly while stir a little with a spoon- off the fire fast...IS READY!..

Good for lungs/skin and taste good!

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