Saturday, May 1, 2010

All things will past no matter what...right..

..good or bad, nothing stay fix forever only true love my washing machine technician finally came with the Hitachi part, after 1.5 month! but really cant blame them ...cos Thailand import to K.L then to Johor, so what can i expect during this time when Thailand now in crisis?
Well, i did book a Lg wd 9010sj washing machine already and will arrive probably today to my house, no cancellation even though the Hitachi is real fine now...after this experience better to have a spare one then just depend on one...i and hubby did our laundry cleaning to half dead...did try to send to laundry shop but found the clothes not as clean :-( plus we have no maid ..not necessary though as our home is just nice for 2 persons fr the little space that we have but honestly we have almost everything in our home, really THANKS GOD for HIS Blessings upon our life and our home indeed :-)) tomorrow need to sweep my CR$ card ok anyway money not used is not your money$, the value of money is determine... on the moment we spend it and on individual objective , right? :-)