Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Guess what is this..?

You might be thinking I'm collecting antique..hehee :-) ..In a month time i actually have bought 3 claypot's! in diffrent time of course...an elderly woman told me she use this claypot to stew most of the stew meat or calypot seafood with mushroom!..taste much better she said, i have tried her cooking also and indeed is good!
Did not thought of buying 3 clay pot in a month time, but maybe just my luck in buying pots and pan always, this 3 claypots are real good one, the quality superb..try cooking on it already, the food just turns out perfecto! as it wrote on the box when i bought it( can take high heat / super quality) indeed is true! the base of the pot did not turn black with high heat and even with long hours, just lift up the clay pots when the time is ripe straight to the table, the food seems more fragrance and could keep warm for longer time while we eating..happy to own this 3 clay pots >

Fry Beehoon...

today, since hubby came home late this few days cause the company need to speed up work, till this Wednesday. When the time he reached home will be around 10.30 pm every night, therefore i have thought of this ...Fry Beehoon! is not so full and tight at least to eat at this kind of hour and something to just fill up a little since he already have his dinner most of the time during this few days at his working place.

Just look at my specialities!..sausage, prawns, choi sim veg and eggs, smell real good and fabulous!..even my little Zoe wallop 1 plate of this! surprised me ! as she usually very picky! and fussy..worse than me..hm..