Monday, June 2, 2008

Cook " for father's day " chen cook

Tou Foo Fish Fry And Cook With Preserved Black Beans, Garlic And Spring onions New Zealand lean Lamp meat fry with ginger, garlic and parsley

This home cook dish invent by me really worth sharing ..taste superb!, though I'm on diet now but i wonder where this special inspirations lately come from? invent quite a few nice dish..maybe this inspiration could be from my mom! but still will eat a little not much since i have made up my mind to slim a little...this two dish displayed truly taste so ..gooood! you know..funny I tend to cook a lot of nice dish everyday lately why during my slimming session all this inspirations coming to my brain!!! ?errrr! and is my hobby so i cant stop my hand but at least i managed to control my mouth. Happy cooking!

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