Well Chinese New Year just 19 days away from now..pretty fast huh..today did some deco in my own house...in Chinese culture, there are lot's of meaningful words that present good wishes'' Tui Lian''..even though I'm an English educated but i certainly learn a lot from my dearest dad about '' tui lian ''..words hv authority ..that is why during the 1st ad 2ND Day of Chinese New Year ..we are not allowed to said any negative words..i have taken some pic belw..this year i want to look more simple, so i bought a pair of tui lian..the left one written this: God Grace abundances in every home and family ..( Sehn en man man jia-jia foo)/ the right one written: Chu ai yong - yong fu- fu chuen) meaning; Our Lord love flow to every family in this Season!..Great? ya...also bought some bamboo shoots ( life bamboo) to replace my pot of old and wear out fake flower in the jar..mmm..this is better isn't it...more fresh and i tie some red ribbon too on the bamboo..gives a more Chinese New YEAR LOOK :^) So have you decorate yours.....happy decorating..and good luck!!!